What Are Water Pillows?
Pillows that contain water inside instead of some other filler will help everyone to wake up well-rested and refreshed. This is due to the fact that water pillows minimize the neck and shoulders pain. Furthermore, with the help of such a cushion, one can assure appropriate head support and release of muscles ache at the same time. As a result, a person gets an amazing rest that can’t be compared with anything else! And let’s admit that what we all wish for at the end of a hard day. However, even these are not all positive sides this product has on offer.
Table of Contents
- 1 What Are Water Pillows?
- 2 Top Water Pillows – Price Comparison
- 3 Buying Guide 2018
- 4 Top 10 Water Pillow Reviews
- 4.1 #1 Mediflow water-base down pillow
- 4.2 #2 Chiroflow premium water pillow
- 4.3 #3 Chiroflow Premium Waterbase Pillow
- 4.4 #4 Mediflow 1066 elite waterbased pillow
- 4.5 #5 Mediflow gel memory foam waterbased pillow
- 4.6 #6 The duck and goose water pillow
- 4.7 #7 Mediflow floating comfort water base pillow
- 4.8 #8 Core deluxe water pillow
- 4.9 #9 Core basic trapezoid water pillow
- 4.10 #10 BraceMart sure sleep hypoallergenic ultra water pillow
- 5 In Conclusion: All Things Considered
Continuing its pros, it should also be noted, that an owner can control its height and consequently, softness. So, if you are searching for a cushion that would support a neck, then the quantity of water should be increased and vice versa- if you prefer a soft pillow and there is no need to provide firm support while sleeping or resting, then the quantity of water can be reduced. In such a way, it is possible to get the necessary support by regulating the amount of water.
Due to the water moving during the cause of changing a sleeping position, the shape of a cushion adjusts to the needs of your body. To put it simply, this is a perfect item for resting as well as sleeping in any position.
Finally, in the majority of cases, such cushions have a heat-insulating layer that prevents neck and head warming. A water-filled pillow provides coolness all night long, which is great for a summer period as well as those people, who often get hot!
How Does It Work?
The upper layer is made of soft fibers that impact to the additional softness and comfort. Inside the cushion, there is a capacity for water. The cover of a capacity is anti-bacterial, thus the water doesn’t require any supplements.
The water pillow is very easy to fill. Also, you can control the height in line with personal needs. If you prefer a firm therapeutic cushion, then add a lot of water. If you are into softer items, then drain a bit of water. In any case, it will take a few nights to find the balance, yet what is guaranteed 100% is comfortable night sleep, because you personally choose the ideal firmness and height.
A water cushion is unique, heedless of the fact that you sleep on a soft product, your head and neck get the best possible support, providing correct posture while sleeping. With any other pillow, such a combination would be impossible.
What Are The Pros & Cons Of Water Pillows?
Perhaps, during all your life, you have experienced and tried a lot of cushion models, including high ones, anatomic and many others. And every time it seems like this is the one, this is the best model ever, but then something still goes wrong. For example, when sleeping on a back, it causes snoring; on a side- a crick in the hand, on a stomach – one has to turn the head on one of the sides to breathe properly, etc. So, if in your case, the ideal product is still not found, then why not try and enjoy the rest in a pillow that is filled with water? Why would you want to adjust to a pillow, if it can work the other way around!
Other benefits include the following:
- This particular item doesn’t move around the bed. It stays exactly where it is placed all night long.
- Unlike many cushions that should be punched to get a desirable shape, water cushions stay firm without this action of the past. You can not worry about the firmness, it will never be lost!
- It is a perfect product for active sleepers, who often change positions. The item won’t be messed up.
- It is also ideal for all sleepers, no matter whether you are into sleeping on a back, side or stomach. The device is aimed at adjusting and fitting to any position you take.
- There have been done many tests that have proven a person is less likely to wake up during the night when using a water cushion. This is mainly thanks to the point that an item stays at its place without moving and reduction of neck pain. This automatically leads to pleasant, energetic, and fresh mornings.
- An opportunity to control the firmness of the item by draining or on the contrary, the filling is another amazing plus this product can boast of.
- As it was mentioned above, the item adjusts to every sleeping position one takes, thus eliminating muscles tension along with body aches and headaches.
- Pillow is capable of maintaining the right temperature without getting hot, whatever the circumstances around are. Very few people have claimed it to be too cold or too hot.
- The main pro for lots of customers is that it is hypoallergenic. Therefore, it can be used by children too without parents worrying about scratching, itching or any other discomfort an allergy can cause.
- Women will definitely appreciate such an advantage as no more skin irritation or a wrinkled face. This is because when sleeping on such a cushion, the face is not pressed into it but it is conforming to your face.
- Cushion doesn’t require difficult care.
- According to some users, these items demonstrate great results from waking up with sore ears, which is often the issue for side sleepers.
Nonetheless, like every other product, water pillows have their own disadvantages too:
- Water can make these cushions heavy and sometimes, even noisy.
- Price of such products is not the cheapest.
- It takes some time to find the right level of water for comfortable night sleep.
Chiroflow Pillow
Indeed, currently, the market is full of water pillows produced by various manufacturers. Yet, there has always been great competition between the two giant companies in this industry. These are Mediflow pillows and Chiroflow pillows.
Speaking of Chiroflow pillows, they are designed by professionals with a purpose of supporting the cervical spine, providing excellent sleep in such a way. The first pillows from this brand have appeared in the year 1994 and were designed by a well-known Maurice Bard. He invented these water pillows accidentally – he was suffering from whiplash and had to sleep with a bottle of water under the pillow for relief for a long time until he created first water-based cushions.
Nonetheless, these are not all advantages these items offer. To name the main pluses: no more headaches, much better sleep, quickly falling asleep, refreshed waking up, hypoallergenic feature, etc.
As every product has its minuses along with plusses, Chiroflow pillow is not an exception. So, along with the positive features, we can name several negative ones. They include: getting the right amount of water (it might take a few nights to find to the right level), when filled with water- it becomes heavy and it can be hard to carry it from the sink to the bed, and the last con is the leak in case the plastic is broken.
Mediflow Water-base Pillow
Both Chiroflow and Mediflow pillows are water-based. But their main distinction is that Mediflow models are not completely filled with water. The top part of a cushion along with the underneath one is filled with a polyester fiber material instead of water. So, it feels like you sleep on a traditional pillow but get all the health and comfort features.
The advantages of Mediflow pillows are very similar to Chiroflow ones. For instance, it contours to the shapes of a user’s body, supporting the head, neck, and even shoulders. The level of water can also be regulated depending on personal comfort, by draining or adding liquid. By doing so, one has a possibility to control the softness and firmness.
As for the cons, here we should mention heaviness as well as some people claim it to be uncomfortable to sleep on a stomach using this product.
Chiroflow vs. Mediflow
Both manufacturers are the most popular all across the globe among millions of people. They are fairly similar and have very few distinctions. They are similarly priced and are designed for those, who suffer from morning migraines, bad sleep and neck pain. Having done careful and profound research and having considered all pros, cons, and feedbacks of both brands, we have come to a conclusion that Mediflow products are in a little bit greater demand compared to Chiroflow. The main grounds for it are better support and easier adjustment.
Top Water Pillows – Price Comparison
Buying Guide 2018
Due to the fact that the market is full of dozens of manufacturers that offer water pillows of different designs, sizes, and shapes, it makes it harder for customers to make the right final choice. But the right and the best water pillow is simply a must-have for those, who regularly wake up with head or neck pain and find it hard to fall asleep and wake up fresh, energized and ready to start a new wonderful day.
But don’t worry! We have sorted out this issue for you! We have researched and tested hundreds of cushions based on water from a number of internationally known companies to cut out the list of the top picks for you! So, let’s have a look at the most-rated water cushions in terms of quality, durability, warranty guarantee from the manufacturer, longevity, health features and other criteria that play a vital role!
Top 10 Water Pillow Reviews
#1 Mediflow water-base down pillow
It is clinically proven that this particular product from Mediflow considerably improves neck pain so that it can be easily called a water pillow for neck pain. With this item, your head will be well rested on a soft, hypoallergenic surface that is ensured by a filler of the highest quality.
[amazon_link asins=’B003J372OC’ template=’BIG-NEWProductAd’ store=’pregilycom-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’f44fcca5-9fd9-11e8-bd20-3b38920fd8ce’]Thanks to special patented technology, the cushion automatically reacts on head movements when you sleep to provide appropriate support for the neck. The researches have shown that it can help a person fall asleep quicker, wake up without difficulties, on time and full of energy. Additionally, one can regulate the quantity of water, by achieving maximum comfort during the night sleep. This water pillow guarantees optimized support for head, relief for shoulders and neck muscles, reduce the sensation of pain. It can be easily taken care of by washing in a machine. Also, the level of firmness and softness can be controlled, depending on personal needs and preferences. Moreover, it can be used by all family members from young to old. The only issue for potential clients can be the price which is not very cheap. Nonetheless, over 5 million customers have already entrusted their choice to this company. This is a long-term investment that is 100% worth the money. You will definitely not regret buying it!
Clinical studies have shown improved night sleep thanks to soft hypoallergenic fiber filler and a water base that can be easily filled or drained.
[amazon_link asins=’B01N0Y2SCB’ template=’BIG-NEWProductAd’ store=’pregilycom-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’1edbad27-9fda-11e8-aa64-9d7c071eec43′]Hence, changing the water level, one can find a necessary balance as per needs and wishes. Furthermore, this cushion is aimed at providing quick falling asleep and fresh waking ups. In simple words, a luxurious comfort ensured by this product is something everyone with chronic neck ache should experience and enjoy. It can also boast of a thermal insulator to prevent heat. It is suitable for the queen as well as standard size pillowcases. The item is often used by people, who are looking for cervical spine support. Unlike some water-base cushions that tend to have leak problems, this is what will never happen with this product due to a secure water cap. Furthermore, the pillow has no chances to flatten thanks to top-notch materials it is made of. This Chiroflow water pillow is highly-recommended by chiropractors all over the world. According to lots of reviews and customers’ feedbacks, this cushion is way better for neck compared to many foam models. They also claim it to be very comfortable in all sleeping positions. But what about the negative points? Are there any? Well, the only minor disadvantage mentioned by the users is the occasional crunchy sound because of the plastic water pouch.
#3 Chiroflow Premium Waterbase Pillow
In case you are a regular traveler, you’ll obviously want to have a cushion that will provide rest during the trip. Especially for this purpose, Chiroflow company has designed and produced a smaller version of its models, thus letting people take it with them.
[amazon_link asins=’B01BUAP0NK’ template=’BIG-NEWProductAd’ store=’pregilycom-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’234b464e-4682-4256-85e4-7b4618d85a2d’]They guarantee cervical pain relief by cradling your head on a soft and nice-to-the-touch surface. Despite the fact that it is smaller in size than the rest of the aforementioned models, it makes it an ideal choice for those, who are often on the go! It has a rectangular shape and can easily fit into the luggage. Some people use it also during train or car journeys. It would be interesting to know that this product was tested at Johns Hopkins University and demonstrated the best results in all five categories. Perhaps, that’s the main ground why it is so advised by chiropractics globally. Continuing its benefits, we can’t miss an opportunity to note that it is very easy to fill as well as the drain. It is perfect not only for the neck but also shoulders. It can be adjusted to different levels of softness as well as firmness, depending on the quantity of water inside. And you shouldn’t worry about possible leaks since the plug is placed on the back instead of the side- a feature that greatly minimizes leaks. Speaking of its minuses, some people complain that the size is not enough for proper neck support. But every description states its smaller size so that it can be taken on any trip. So, it is up to every person individually, whether to like or dislike this feature. Also, it is small when used instead of a proper pillow for sleeping at home. As you can see, the only con is the size which is not satisfactory for some users. The rest of the criteria are excellent, which makes it one of the best-buys today.
#4 Mediflow 1066 elite waterbased pillow
Like all the previously mentioned models, this one is not an exception and has clinically proved to provide better sleep along with the reduction of neck pain.
[amazon_link asins=’B01KOLPTX2′ template=’BIG-NEWProductAd’ store=’pregilycom-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’37185b2d-9fda-11e8-9636-25c7f6dda6a1′]It is made in the US, which guarantees premium quality as well as a three-year warranty from the manufacturer. In case, you don’t find it satisfactory, it can always be returned, and the money will be sent back to you. It is made of 65% polyester and 35% cotton, hence is easy to look after by simply washing and drying in a machine. There is also a special layer that should be filled with water at a necessary level. Due to the right water-based, it adjusts to your body, maintaining correct spinal alignment. One huger pro of this cushion is the original water-based technology that has literally made the product globally famous. Apart from its quality, functionality, and longevity, we should also add that there is no more need to wake up several times during the night for fluffing. The product has a very high rating among users, to be exact 4.7 stars out of 5. The manufacturer did its best to create an item that would suit millions of people thanks to its support, back and neck pain relief, long warranty, and absence of leaks. As for the negative factors noticed by the users, we should underline such a con as extra padding that some people find to be stiff. Taking into consideration all the pros and cons along with an affordable cost, one can easily conclude that it is worth every penny.
#5 Mediflow gel memory foam waterbased pillow
If you are a newbie in this sphere and are purchasing a pillow for the very first time and can’t make a choice between the memory foam and water, then this product from Mediflow has combined 2 in 1.
[amazon_link asins=’B00LUM2MQM’ template=’BIG-NEWProductAd’ store=’pregilycom-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’461247b8-9fda-11e8-8280-2347b4bb87cd’]The company has reinvented the memory foam cushion with the newest water one. It is currently the top pick among millions of people worldwide due to its exclusive technology that improves sleep and reduces neck pain. A new version of the product is softer, fully adjustable whatever position one takes, cooler, and more supportive. Just imagine sleeping on a cool layer of gel foam that keeps you cool through the night. Another layer of foam supports the neck while sleep. And finally, this all would be impossible without a water base. Millions of people have already entrusted their choice to this company and absolutely don’t regret that. Summarizing all this information, one can conclude that it is the best buy for those, who suffer from headaches and neck pain as well as those, who are searching for adjustability. It is ideal for people who often get hot during the night since it has a cool gel that keeps the whole body cool. It is made in the US with a good warranty from the manufacturer. It is also easily washable as the cover is made of cotton and rayon. The only little minus noticed by very few people is the stiffness.
#6 The duck and goose water pillow
For a great number of customers, price plays a very important role when buying this or that product.
[amazon_link asins=’B077X8JMR9′ template=’BIG-NEWProductAd’ store=’sergiogowin-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’93d7a46e-9fda-11e8-8c8c-41e8cf85399d’]So, if you have a limited or tight budget, then this particular model from the duck and goose might be the one for you. Compared to other brands, this one has more affordable prices. And it absolutely doesn’t mean that the quality is worse! Let’s have a look: this model is made of 100% polyester fiber filling with a special pillow cover that provides so desirable cosiness. The capacity of an item can be filled with around 5 litres of water, yet it is not compulsory to fill to the maximum level if it is not comfortable for you. To avoid any leaks, there is a special rubber stopper. One more important pro is a thermal insulation technology that keeps the temperature control, meaning it doesn’t get too hot or too cold, but keeps the temperature neutral. This is a perfect pillow with a one-year warranty from the manufacturer for those, who like the right balance between quality and a cost. But like every product, it has its cons too. According to some users and their feedbacks, people mainly don’t like the idea that it should be ONLY hand-washed.
#7 Mediflow floating comfort water base pillow
It is another exceptionally great water pillow from Mediflow. This item is suitable for all kinds of sleepers: stomach, back, and side ones. It easily adjusts to any sleeping position you take and supports the neck.
[amazon_link asins=’B06XZ4R9CP’ template=’BIG-NEWProductAd’ store=’pregilycom-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’9d99813f-9fda-11e8-aadd-81095bfcbb00′]The layer of water inside allows owners to control the firmness, from a very soft or super firm, whatever is more comfortable for you. It is cosy, comfortable, pleasant to the skin and which is more important, it keeps coolness throughout the night. The company provides two months satisfaction guarantee and the whole ten years of warranty from defects. It is a unique cushion that is highly ranked not only by users but is also considered to be one of the best chiropractic pillows recommended by doctors for sleep. Finally, with such a product you really feel the difference between healthy sleep and a poor one. You will not wake up many times at night, but instead will be all fresh and energized the next morning. Moreover, it can be used by absolutely every single person, as it is hypoallergenic. So from young to old, this cushion is one of the best! It also comes at a reasonable cost that won’t burn holes in pockets. Therefore, don’t hesitate to make the right final decision! The only negative point mentioned by the users was the weight. In case you have issues with the back or carrying heavy things, then it would be better to consider lighter versions.
#8 Core deluxe water pillow
Would you like to have therapeutic comfort for water at night? Then, you won’t find anything better than a water cushion from Core Deluxe.
[amazon_link asins=’B000TW4ZPK’ template=’BIG-NEWProductAd’ store=’pregilycom-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ac1febe3-9fda-11e8-ad17-913456857c6e’]It easily combines neck support with comfort and cosiness due to its exclusive features and materials. It is made of a 100% cotton fiber with an especially designed chamber for water at the very bottom of a product. When wishing to wash the roller, all you have to do is to simply drain the water and so it is ready to be machine-washed. Due to this chamber, one can also control the level of comfort and consequently, the desired firmness. This is one of a very few water pillows on the market that can boast of a displacement panel in a chamber. But what is it for? Well, thanks to this panel, you will not hear any sounds of water at all! Additionally to that, it stops water from flowing into the center. With this item, you will feel your head cradled and neck supported. Pay attention to the fact that it is highly recommended to those, who have/ had injuries as well as healthy people who wish to have comfort at night.
#9 Core basic trapezoid water pillow
One of the best features of this cushion is that it comes with a nifty valve so that to be able to control the amount of water inside.
[amazon_link asins=’B007G4TO7I’ template=’BIG-NEWProductAd’ store=’pregilycom-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’b9863fcc-9fda-11e8-bd55-1dc0d9f05994′]Due to this feature, an owner can decide upon the firmness level as well as loose or support. Additionally, to provide even more cosiness and comfort, the manufacturer offers a special protective cover for extra padding. Due to the water inside, the item adjusts to any sleeping position, reducing the neck pain and keeping the right posture of a body. But the most interesting factor is the unusual trapezoid displacement panel that is aimed at keeping the neck and head aligned for support. It is suitable for absolutely everyone in terms of its health benefits as well as a price which is more than affordable! So, if you have some issues with neck, snoring, and are looking for relief at a reasonable cost, then don’t look any further! Don’t miss a chance to purchase one of the best buys on the market today!
#10 BraceMart sure sleep hypoallergenic ultra water pillow
Get a top-notch water cushion from BraceMart that guarantees immediate neck pain relief and a better quality of sleep.
[amazon_link asins=’B0195KXJ62′ template=’BIG-NEWProductAd’ store=’pregilycom-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’ca0a27ed-9fda-11e8-8548-bf022dd76aff’]Is it what you are looking for? It has a fairly high rating among users, to be exact, it is 4.6 stars out of 5. And there are a number of grounds for such popularity and high demand. First of all, it has dynamic support, improves sleep, and relieves neck pain. Second of all, it is suitable for all possible and impossible sleeping positions you take, be it on a back, side, or stomach. The item will never flatten as the level of water won’t let it happen. It can be regulated from soft to extra firm, whatever you prefer more. Apart from providing wonderful support for the neck, it is also great for head movement. Be sure, with this product, you will definitely sleep like in childhood. Its cover is made of 100% cotton, and its 100% polyester fiber is hypoallergenic, so you can not worry if you are planning to buy it for a child. Easy to look after – just drain the water before washing. The only minor con we have found out about this product is the heavyweight.
In Conclusion: All Things Considered
When a person goes to bed, he/she obviously wants to have a nice peaceful sleep, to recover and be ready and prepared to start a new day tomorrow. Unfortunately, for many people it is only a dream, since they wake up with neck pain, migraine, tired, exhausted, and even irritated. How can one start a new day in such a “broken” condition and bad mood? Well, in the majority of cases, all these issues can be solved by purchasing the right supportive pillow! And chiropractics and sleep experts agree on that matter!
Indeed, if one doesn’t get enough sleep, then he/she pays a really high price – health. A good comfortable sleep should be got every single night, and this is more than real with a correctly chosen quality water pillow. It is also known that cushions are simply a medical necessity not only for a good sleep but also for the relief of muscles and neck pain.
Additionally, to that, a person spends a third of a life sleeping in bed. Consequently, it is so significant for a pillow to be your friend instead of an enemy. Water pillows have proven to be one of the best on the market, as they provide it with all, starting from a restful sleep and finishing with energized mornings without any ache or pain. Water rollers are improving every single year, offering customers 100% satisfaction from usage. Their cover is made of cotton which means easy care. Furthermore, they are filled with polyester fibers. Yet, the main secret is the water chamber that should be filled with water to a certain comfort for you personal level. But even this is not all! Surprisingly enough, but many people think that because it is a water-based cushion, it can’t be washed. However, this is not true as all you have to do is just drain the water and wash the item at 30 degrees.
A properly chosen water-filled cushion fits the neck and head area, creating relaxation, and only pleasant feelings. It is the best buy for all kinds of sleepers: side, back, and stomach as well as people with or without allergies, as it is hypoallergenic.
To cut a long story short, each of the aforementioned products is designed to reduce chronic pain, support a spine, neck, and head. They are all innovative products that improve sleep, reducing pain. Restore your energy. Make yourself look better. Rest from everyday stress.